In September 1993, PMT (Precious Metal Trading ) Industrial – Metais Preciosos S.A. began its activity in Porto, Portugal, having ended the monopoly of banking entities in the sale of precious metals. The sole shareholder was Hiperinver belonging to the CLAL group. During the period it was active, it was market leader in fine precious metals and their by-products and derivatives.
In July 2000, Koutadly – Consultadoria Económica e Participações, S.A. was created in the tax-free zone of Madeira with the aim of having active companies for later sale to multinational groups that needed to establish themselves in Portugal quickly and without having to go through the bureaucracy and delay that is the creation of a company in this country. The original shareholder was MLGT Madeira Management and Investment S.A. After being acquired in September of the same year by the Cookson Group, Koutadly became the owner of the company PMT Industrial – Metais Preciosos, S.A., also replacing the commercial brand in January 2001 and moving its headquarters to the mainland (Porto).
In 2005, Koutadly, S.A. changed premises, moving from a peripheral street to occupying a privileged location in the building of the AORP – Associação de Ourivesaria e Relojoaria de Portugal opposite the Casa da Moeda – Contrastaria, where all professionals have to go to contrast their pieces to be marketed, thus creating a closer relationship with professionals in the sector.
In April 2013, Koutadly S.A. again changed shareholders and group, having SEMPSA JP, S.A. as a shareholder (100%) and thus becoming part of HM Precious Metals.
This situation continues today, with Koutadly being one of the leading companies in the Portuguese market for the trading of precious metals and their derivatives.
Our range of services includes
- Collection of scrap material
- Selling semifinished products for the jewellery industry